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“It’s easy to forget how much your brain does for you, until one day… it stops.”

Incredible Consequences of Brain Injury: The Ways your Brain can Break is the first book from Alexander R. Toftness. The book is written for a general audience, and everyone from students of neuroscience to people who just want to learn about brain disorders will be interested in this book. Ways catalogues dozens of fascinating acquired brain disorders using case vignettes, historical quotes, descriptions of symptoms, and discussions of pathology. Each chapter has (or will have) a partner video published on the ARTexplains Science and History channel on YouTube, and the book expands upon those videos.

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Incredible Consequences of Brain Injury: The Ways your Brain can Break explains the acquired brain disorders that can suddenly change a person’s life. Underlining the intricate workings of the human brain and the amazing things it does every day, this book examines what happens when the brain stops functioning as it should.

Through the use of case studies and historical examples, this concentrated collection of different neuropsychological conditions provides the reader a glimpse into the lived experiences of each disorder. Each chapter is firmly rooted in relevant neuropsychological literature combined with easy-to-understand explanations and guided reflection. In its essence, this book is a celebration of the human brain and the myriad factors that make it up, serving to maintain hope in recovering from brain conditions, and to marvel at the intricate workings of the brain.

This valuable compendium is essential for anyone who wants to learn more about how the brain functions and dysfunctions, and will be equally useful for students, instructors and healthcare workers. It will further be of use to individuals with brain conditions and their dear ones, and for the individuals who are interested in learning more about the human brain.

Alexander R. Toftness, Ph.D., is a science communicator from the midwestern United States. He hosts the ARTexplains Science and History channel on YouTube. Dr. Toftness has taught a variety of biological, cognitive, and educational psychology courses, and has presented at numerous science communication events across the country.”